Greg and Amber: Greg and I were married in 2007 after knowing each other for a really long time. When Greg had just graduated high school, he worked on my grandpa's farm for a summer. I was only 11, but I fell in love with Greg and told my cousin that I was going to marry him someday. Lo and behold, eight years later we started dating, and two years later we were married. Now, five years after our marriage, we have three children, a small herd of goats, and a soap business. Talk about whirlwind romance...
Gideon: Gideon is 3, our firstborn, and a bundle of energy. Gideon leaps before he looks and doesn't know a stranger. We're hoping that charateristic will help him grow into quite the salesman. We're very thankful for his helpful spirit, even though it is accompanied by a large dose of stubborness. (I'm not sure where that came from...)
Lincoln: Lincoln is almost two and Gideon's opposite in personality. He is thoughtful, cautious, and shy when around others, but at home he's loud and rambunctious. He is very attached to Mommy, which makes getting things done a little difficult, but he will at least hold still to snuggle, which makes up for it.Canaan: Canaan is 3 months, so he mostly sleeps and eats. He's a wonderful baby who loves to snuggle. The older boys love their baby brother, and often smother him in trying to love on him. Having a third child in a two bedroom house definitely makes things interesting, but we wouldn't trade it for anything.
I hope you've learned a little about our family. We want our customers to know us and what we represent so that they can be confident in the product we sell, and that's why we created this blog. We hope you enjoy reading and watching our business and family grow.
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