Sunday, January 29, 2012

Note to Self

Note to self: Having a home business is not for the faint of heart.   Add children to a business in which people randomly drop by our house at a moment's notice and things can get a little sticky. 

A few weeks ago, a nice lady called around 9:00 in the morning and asked if she could pick up soap.  I usually get excited when someone calls to order soap, especially if it's a new customer.  And I'm such a people-pleaser that I tend to forget what's going on at the moment and just say yes to whatever they ask.  So when she said, "Can I come pick it up in a few minutes?"  I replied, "Of course," forgetting that I had two naked boys in the tub, 3 loads of laundry sprawled all over the living room, two bars of soap to wrap, and a beautiful me who had yet to put on normal clothes or take a shower.  Note to self: Look at the house before you tell a person to come over. 

Leaving my oldest boys in the bathroom, I ran to the laundry room,  where we store our soap and began to quickly wrap the last two lavender bars we had.  As I was wrapping, I heard little footsteps coming around the corner, and I asked, "What are you boys doing?"  To which Gideon replied, "We're naked Momma!"  Note to self: Naked children running around the house probably do not impress new customers. 

I ran back into the living room and threw some clothes on the boys.  With that done, and I brought in the laundry basket and had the boys help me throw all the clothes in the basket.  They were wonderful helpers, even though a dirty diaper and a wet pull-up ended up in the pile of clean clothes.  Note to self: Fold the laundry when it comes out of the dryer. 

After the living room was picked up, I then proceeded to dress myself appropriately.  Note to self: Pajama pants with cupcakes on them are not professional.  I decided to put in my contacts because I was thinking I looked like a little girl in my glasses, and I didn't want this woman to think I was 17.  But, the night before I had run out of contact solution.  I plead insanity here, because I decided to soak them in nasal saline spray for the night thinking a saline solution is a saline solution no matter what it's supposed to be used for.  Note to self: Salt in the eyes really, really burns. 

So here I was trying to fold my laundry, and my eyes are watering and burning so bad I can't even see.  I quickly remove my contacts and wash out my eyes, but they continue to burn, burn, burn like a ring of fire.  Two rings actually.  I put my glasses on hoping that they'd cover up my super-red eyes.  Note to self: It's better to look like a little girl in glasses than look high without them.

In the end, the wonderful lady allowed me an entire hour before she came by the house, enabling me to not only dress but to do my hair, fold the laundry, and finally put new contacts in.  And without fail it seems that the mornings I have it all together--you know, clean house, clean kids, clean me--no one stops by.  But the mornings life is complete chaos, everyone wants to come over.

Note to self: Seeing the comedy in daily life is sometimes the only way to survive it.

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